The LCA has invited Karyl Newman to speak about her research on the Llano del Rio Colony reflecting on her 2016-2017 Beinecke Visiting Research Fellowship on Saturday, February 11th at 2PM.
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Giant Rock attracts and inspires in scale, stories and a consistent need for attention through stewardship. Naturally, artists follow the magnetism of the site and some of these works are curated in Voices from the Vortex, an online exhibit created to accompany the annual #storiesandstewardship clean up for #nationalpubliclandsday 2021 on September 25th.
Featuring installation, performance, poetry, photography and video by artists from near and far, the exhibit includes:
Melissa Agate, Cynthia Anderson, Jeff Frost, Bettina Hubby, Jessica King and Michaela Strumberger
curated by Karyl Newman.
Start date: May 23, 2022
End date: December 31, 2022
Location: ARTE channel's "Invitation au Voyage" arts/culture show
Watch the entire episode from France or Germany - JT around 18:20
Thrilled to be featured during the intro of Arte's "Invitation au Voyage" online in France and Germany and within the episode - a short segment at one of my favorite places - Giant Rock outside Landers, CA.
Start date: March 10, 2017
End date: March 26, 2017
Location: The Wallis Center for the Performing Arts
placekeeping | storiesandstewardship
Date: August 4, 2017
Time: 19:00-22:00
Location: Llano, CA
Art in Place | placekeeping | Public Humanities