This February, join Paul Greenstein, co-author of the definitive history of the Llano del Rio Colony and founder Karyl Newman, both will share research from the past and present at LCA’s annual potluck.
Greenstein’s book, Bread and Hyacinths: The Rise and Fall of Utopian Los Angeles is now out of print, bring your copy to be signed by the author. A few copies remain available online.
In December 2017, Newman spoke at the Museum of the New Llano Colony in New Llano, Louisiana to commemorate, connect and share research about the 1917 exodus from the Antelope Valley. With the support of the Leesville Tourism Authority, Museum director Mary Ann Fussell, and local historian Martha Palmer our communities now have a sister-utopian connection between Llano, CA and New Llano, LA and open communication about research and events.
Come to our gathering at the next meeting. What will you learn? Newman will recount the 100 year old journey from California to Louisiana by rail and by car as she shared in her presentation in December at New Llano.