BrickxBrick Action at Trump National Golf Course

Date: January 20, 2018

Time: 10:00 AM

Location: Trump National Golf Course - Palos Verdes

Art in Place | placekeeping

On January 20, 2018, 23 bodies formed a peaceful and silent wall at Trump National Golf Club for #brickxbrick2018 – 12 nationwide wall actions took place around the country simultaneously as part of the #womensmarch.

My friend and fellow artist Andrea Lauer came up with the wall against misogyny concept with Sarah Sandman now known as #pdacollective. I stood with them in #nyc in front of Trump International Hotel in October 2016 and watched as strangers were moved to tears.

My lifelong friend Maribeth Borowski, her sister Kathleen Borowski and their cousin Andrea and I joined #brickxbrick in DC last year, another incredible strength building experience in such difficult times.

As a result, Maribeth and I coordinated #brickxbrick2018 in Los Angeles. We kicked it off with participants and supporters together on Friday for a #bxb suit try on and delicious pot luck.

The LA Bricksters, spanning ages 16-70 gathered again on Saturday morning to don our #politcaljumpsuits. We were in place in Palos Verdes by 10am in solidarity with 11 other simultaneous #brickxbrick #directartactions nationwide. Follow #brickxbrick2018 see them all!

We stood hands clasped in silence for one hour as the public read the patches on our brick print jumpsuits spelling out derogatory quotes made by #45 against women and POC.

Law enforcement came out to make sure we were safe, people stopped, took photos and thanked us, cars honked and gave a thumbs up and only two guys on motorcycles gave us the middle finger!

Thank you Luis, Julie, Mari, and Chris for being our representatives with information about the action for the public so we could stand peacefully.

The beautiful images of our action are by Alyssa Yung.